然後 『老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼。』
#阿姜布拉姆法師 #AjahnBrahm
In my fortunate life as a monk, sometimes I hang out with murderers, rapists, some people who have done some terrible, terrible, terrible crimes. Because you know how to go slow, you can look at a person and see features in there which you've never noticed before, which most people will never notice.
You see their exquisite beauty.
That's a great test. It's easy to see the beauty in the hillside. But to see such beauty in such people locked up in jail for many years is more of a tough task. When you have such a positive attitude towards life, you can see beauty in the most unexpected places.
What happens is, the prisoners feel that someone is respecting them. It's such a strange experience for them to have someone who looks at them and sees something beautiful and good that they too start to change the way they look at themselves.
殺人犯開始看到他們的另一部分 - 美麗的部分。當這個見解開始成長壯大,你發現當他們獲釋時,他們痊癒了。那個讓他們犯事的原因,不管它是甚麼,心病也好、殘酷不仁也好、痛苦也好,現在已經消失了。無論是這一生或未來生,他們再也不會做同樣的事情。這是很驚人的。
The murderer starts to see another part of their being. The beautiful part. When that starts to grow and prosper, you find that when they do get released, they are healed. The reason, the sickness, the cruelty, whatever it was, that pain which allowed them to do such a thing, is now gone. And in this life and in future lives, they will never do such a thing again. It's amazing what happens.
上週末,我在新加坡心理健康協會的一個會議中講課,強化了我這個想法。他們告訴我,這間醫院的理念,是關注病人理智的一面 - 當他們能與人溝通、善良、聰明的時候。他們不去強調病人精神病的病徵。當然,他們並不是毫不理會那些精神分裂的幻想,只是他們的重點是別的東西。我想,“哇!你們明白了。”
This whole attitude was reinforced when last weekend I was teaching at a conference of the Institute for Mental Health in Singapore. They told me that the philosophy in that hospital was to focus on that part of their patient which was sane, sociable, which was kind, which was intelligent. They weren't focusing on the psychosis. They weren't ignoring the schizophrenic fantasies. They were focused on something else. I thought, "Wow! You guys have understood."
因為如果你只專注於別人的缺點 - 有時候他們用不正常的方式行事,或者他們說話時好像有幻覺,又或者或他們的行為對自己或他人有暴力傾向,那麼你就把這些障礙變成他們的全部,而不是只是他們的一部分。在正向心理學中,我們把這些放一邊。讓我們專注於他們的另一半。
Because if you focus on somebody's faults, the fact that sometimes they act in a dysfunctional way, or they speak in hallucinatory ways or they behave in sort of a violent to themselves or others. If you focus on that, then you make this make this dysfunction the whole of them, rather than just a part of them. And a positive psychology says let's put that aside. Let's focus on the other half of them.
Too often, we focus on the dysfunction. How about focusing on the rest of the time when they are perfectly kind, sociable and able to sort-of flow in society without any problems or reactions from other people? When you focus on the other side, the healing happens. This is such an important psychology to see. I was so pleased that at last, somebody is getting the message.
When you have a sickness... I don't know how many people when they have say, a cancer, say, a breast cancer, forget that most of their body hasn't got cancer. That there are still other parts of them. Focusing on the other parts of them, you see incredible beauty, incredible strength, incredible fitness and power. Which means you can harness that power, the power of the positive side of a sickness. The power of the positive side of someone's behavior.
很多人應該都能很簡易地明白為什麼這會讓人治癒。我以前也說過這個簡單的比喻,讓大家容易記得 - 如果你有一個花園,你澆灌野草的話,野草就會越長越多,整個花園都會是野草。如果你澆花,花就會成長、會開,花園中就會滿是花。你關注的心就是水,它澆在甚麼上面,甚麼就會在你的生命中成長。
I know, and I think many other people can understand intuitively how that is therapeutic. How that grows. I' have mentioned before just to try and have simple ways of talking about this so people can remember - If you have a garden and you water the weeds, it's the weeds which grow and take over your garden. If you water the flowers, the flowers grow and they take over. It's what you water, what you focus on, is what grows in life.
This is one of the great ways out of illness, out of tragedies, out of dysfunctions, out of psychological problems in life.
- 攝錄自阿姜布拉姆法師開示 Edited from the discourse of Ajahn Brahm (https://youtu.be/H94Dz4Iq2d4)